Dr. Edi Bon

Personal details
Name: Edi Bon
Date of birth: September 28th, 1970
Place of birth: Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Current position: Associate research professor
Affiliation: Astronomical Observatory, Volgina 7, 11060, Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381-11-3089-068
Fax: +381-11-2419-553
E-mail: ebon at aob.rs
Martial: Married
Number of children: 2 (photo)
- 2010 - Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Belgrade, Thesis title:"Hidden Accretion Disk
Emission in The Broad Emission Lines of AGN"
- 2001 - M.Sc. in Astronomy, Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Belgrade, Thesis title:"The Structure of Emission Region of Active Galaxy III Zw 2"
- 1997 - B.Sc. in Astronomy, Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade
- 2020 - Associate research professor, Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
- 2010 - Assistant research professor, Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
- 2002 - Junior research assistant, Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
- 1997 - Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade
- - 2011 - Leader of the project task: "Analysis of Optical Spectra in AGN" within
the project 176003: "Gravitation and the large scale structure of the Universe", financed by Serbian Ministry of Science
- - 2011 - 176001: "Astrophysical Spectroscopy of Extragalactic Objects" (financed by Ministry of Science, Serbia)
- - 2007 - 146002: "Astrophysical Spectroscopy of Extragalactic Objects"
- - COST Action MP0905 (oc-2009-1-4261): "Black Holes in a Violent Universe"
- - Virtual Observatory as a tool for investigations of origin of galaxies (project in the frame of Serbian – France scientific cooperation, program Pavle Savic) 2006-2007
Membership in scientific associations:
- International Astronomical Union
- European Astronomical Society
- National Committee for Astronomy of Serbia
- Society of Astronomers of Serbia
Research interests:
- 1997 - present: active galaxies and
quasars, black hole astrophysics, accretion processes, binary black holes,
computational astrophysics
All publications at ASAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Some papers:
- Bon, E.; Zucker, S.; Netzer, H.; Marziani, P.; Bon, N.; Jovanović, P.; Shapovalova, A. I.; Komossa, S.; Gaskell, C. M.; Popović, L. C.; and 7 coauthors, Evidence for Periodicity in 43 year-long Monitoring of NGC 5548, 2016, ApJS, 225, 29
- Bon, N.; Bon, E.; Marziani, P.; Jovanović, P., Gravitational redshift of emission lines in the AGN spectra, 2015, Ap&SS, 360, 41.
- Bon, N.; Popović, L. C.; Bon, E., Efficiency tests for estimating the gas and stellar population parameters in Type 2 objects, 2014, AdSpR, 54, 1389
- Smailagić, M.; Bon, E., Line Shapes Emitted from Spiral Structures around Symmetric Orbits of Supermassive Binary Black Holes, 2015, JApA, 36, 513,
- Bon, E.; Jovanović, P.; Marziani, P.; Shapovalova, A. I.; Bon, N.; Borka Jovanović, V.; Borka, D.; Sulentic, J.; Popović, L. C., The First Spectroscopically Resolved Sub-parsec Orbit of a Supermassive Binary Black Hole, 2012, ApJ, 759, 118
- Bon E., Popović L. C., Gavrilović N., Mura G. L., Mediavilla E., 2009, Contribution of a disc component to single-peaked broad lines of active galactic nuclei, MNRAS, 400, 924.
- Popović, L. C., Mediavilla, E., Bon, E., Ilić, D. 2004, Contribution of the disk emission to the broad emission lines in AGNs: Two-component model, Astron. Astrophys., 423, 909.
- Popović L. C., Mediavilla E., Bon E., Stanić N. and Kubicela A. 2003, The Line Emission Region in III Zw 2: Kinematics and Variability, ApJ, 599, 185.
- Bon, E., Popović, L. C., Ilić, D., Mediavlilla, E.G., 2006, Stratification in the broad line region of AGN: The two-component model NewAstRev, 50, 716.
- Popović, L. C., Mediavilla, E.G., Bon, E., Ilić, D., Richter, G. 2004, Astron. Nachr., 325, 376-379.
- Bon, E., Cirković, M. M., Milosavljević, I. 2002. A new proposition for redating the Mithraic tauroctony scene. Astronomische Nachrichten 323, 579-580.
- Bon E., 2008, The Disk Emission in Single Peaked Lines for 12 AGNs, Serbian Astronomical Journal, 177, 9.
- Popović L. C., Stanić N., Kubicela A. Bon E., 2001, The Structure of the Akn 120 emitting region: The line shapes and long-term Hbeta line profile variation, Astron. Astrophys. 367, 780.
- Stanic, N., Popovic, L. C., Kubicela, A., and Bon, E. 2000, The Hbeta Line Shape of Akn 120, Serbian Astronomical Journal, 162, 7
- Kubicela, A., Arsenijevic, J., Popovic, L. C., Trajkovic, N., and Bon, E. 1998, Co-Existence of Two Plasma Phases in Solar and AGN Coronas, Serbian Astronomical Journal, 158, 43.
Other activities:
Art and science:"
(Sound sculptures for listening of the cosmic microwave background radiation - CMBR)
- Applying mathematics and spectral analysis to music and video production.
- Music production: editing and postproduction: published three albums on CD format; two 12'' vinyl records songs; tracks appeared on eight compilation CDs and produced one compilation CD (published under Creative Commons license).
Ative member and a producer in music group "Mistakemistake"
(see more at: )
- Video Production: produced, edited and post produced animation video clips and music videos that were played on MTV (for more see youtube.com/user/mistakemistake and youtube.com/user/edibon).
- Sports: marathon swimming
Last updated on Nov. 21th, 2016.